• Vitamin Injections

  • Lipo-Mino Mix


    Feeling fatigued and exhausted despite the multiple cups of coffee and bottomless energy drinks? Just one injection of our specially formulated B-12 (lipo-mino) vitamin, and you’ll enjoy an increase of energy and focus along with fat burning effect.

  • Active Ingredients

    Thiamine (B1): Improves immune system, helps convert fat and carbohydrates into energy.


    Riboflavin (B2): Increases metabolism, supports immune system.

    Pyridoxine (B6): Promotes red blood cell production and converts food to energy


    Methionine: Helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert to energy.

    Inositol: Converts food to energy


    Choline: Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy

    Hydroxocobalamin: Energy, healthy nerve cells.


    Carnitine: Improves fat metabolism and energy, reduces recovery times and promotes muscle building potential.

  • How It Works

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is believed to be one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, especially among people taking stomach acid-altering medications and antibiotics frequently, along with the elderly and sometimes vegetarians/vegans.

    Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that’s crucial for many vital metabolic and hormonal functions, including the production of digestive enzymes and carrying important nutrients into and out of cells.

    Due to how it helps convert and synthesize many other compounds within the body, it's needed for well over 100 daily functions. One of those functions is forming red blood cells.

    Playing a role in DNA/RNA synthesis, acting as a cofactor for methionine synthase (helping with methylation or the conversion of homocysteine to methionine, which protects cardiovascular health and more).

    Facilitating metabolic conversion of protein and fats, carrying out neurotransmitter functions; as well as helping with production of hormones and helping to convert amino acids and make creatine.

    Producing myelin sheath (the coating of nerves), helping with synthesis of hemoglobin and playing a role in fetal development during pregnancy.